
 Join us in person

Sunday Service Times


There will be a combined morning tea at 9:45am between the two services.


or online

Live Stream 8:30am

WBC Kids

What to expect

Our services

Our church services go for around an hour and a quarter. Each service will include singing, praying, hearing announcements about what’s happening at WBC and a sermon that explores the Bible and helps apply that to our lives. In the 8:30am service, children will leave for Kids Church after approximately 15 minutes. At the 10:30am service, children will leave for Kids Church just before the message. We leave space at the end of every service for people to respond and be prayed for. People of all ages are welcome at both services.

Morning tea is held in the terrace between the two services (after the 8:30am service and prior to the 10:30am service). We also have a coffee cart and seating located at the entrance to our church where you can enjoy a barista made coffee.

Need help on the day?

If you have any questions or need assistance on the day, you can approach any of our service hosts who are wearing lanyards and are located in the foyer area as you arrive. Members of the leadership team will be a part of the service and would love to meet you or help in any way.


We don’t have a dress code and encourage people to come dressed as they feel comfortable.


There is plenty of space for car parking, both in front of the church and in the back paddock. There is also space on the street.


We love having kids as part of our family! The Kids Church team have a full program every Sunday at both the 8:30am and 10:30am services during school terms, and you can learn more about that following the link above. If you are in church with a baby or your children stay with you, we have a parents’ room if you need a quiet space. If you remain in the service and they make the odd peep, please don’t stress - we are glad you’re with us and always celebrate having the next generation around to invest in.