We think it is so great that you’re interested in becoming a follower of Jesus.

But what does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? And how do we become one?

In the video, Pastor Mathew answers these questions and gives an opportunity for you to respond in prayer to become a follower of Jesus.

Prayer of Response

"Dear Jesus, 

I'm coming to You because I know I’ve messed up by living without You. I’m sorry for my sin and rebellion and I turn to you now and I trust You to forgive me. 

Jesus you are Lord and I believe you rose from the dead. I accept Your love and grace and ask that You be my Lord. 

I invite your Holy Spirit to dwell within me. Help me to believe in You, to love You more each day, and show the world who You are and how great Your love is. 

In Jesus’ name, Amen."

If you responded by praying this prayer, then congratulations and welcome to the family. This is just the start of your new journey in life with God. 

Please reach out to us, because we’d love to meet you and get you connected in our Church family. 

As Pastor Mathew said in the video, we encourage all new followers of Jesus to visit the New Believers page on this website where you can get started in prayer and Bible reading. Please also check out our Baptism page so you can learn more about baptism and how to take the next step of being baptised. 

If you didn’t pray this prayer and have questions then that is more than okay. Faith is a journey and at Wynnum Baptist we love hearing your questions and hearing about your journey in life. So please reach out to us because we’d love to hear from you.