Join a
Connect Group
To find out more information about a group, click on “View Groups”.
To express interest in joining a group, click on “Sign Up'“ and complete the form.
Align Groups
(3-4 people)
Align is a group of three to four people that meet up regularly to contend for each other's faith. These groups intentionally implement the practices of Jesus, helping each other to be closer with Jesus, become like him and do the things he did. Align Groups are ideal for those wanting to get connected with others and deepen their faith. Please speak to Pastor Andrew about involvement.
Connect Groups
Small groups of people that meet mid-week together to encourage one another, pray, and interact with scripture. Each connect group will look different due to the people leading and attending it. However, they all have the same overarching goal. Connect Groups are a wonderful way to get to know people, go deeper with your faith and be supported in the journey of life.
Common Interest Groups
These groups come together around common interests or mission. Like the other Connect Groups they are founded on prayer, scripture and encouraging one another. This could look like a cycling group catching up for coffee after a ride, a family board-game night, a walking group, or parents with the mission of reaching their school community.
How can I serve?
Volunteering and serving at Wynnum Baptist Church is a great way to help, using your passions and skills and connect with other people from church. Head to our ‘Volunteer’ page to view a range of opportunities to serve and submit an expressions of interest. Any expressions of interest will be forwarded to the team coordinator, as different opportunities have different requirements and training involved before you might begin volunteering.
The church is always buzzing with activity, serving each other and our local community. We are looking for a group of helpers who can be called upon when one-off service opportunities come up.
By joining the JAM Team, you are not committing to any specific task. You are simply telling us you are open to being asked to help when your skills and schedule allow.
For more information about being part of the JAM team, submit your contact details and select JAM on this form.
Here's how it works:
Sign Up: Fill out a form to join the JAM Team, give brief summary of interest areas and availability.
Regular Email: Look out for a regular email detailing upcoming opportunities.
Say "Yes" or "No": When we reach out directly, let us know if you can help. Don't worry, it is okay to say "no" if the task or timing isn't right for you.
Next Steps
Baptism is a public declaration that someone has decided to follow Jesus and is an important step and celebration in the Christian journey. It is a chance to share how you came to know God and trust in Christ as your Saviour and friend.
If you are over 18, baptised by immersion, and have been attending Wynnum for at least 6 months and are sure that this church is a place you can call home then membership may be a next step for you. It is a way to formalise your commitment to our family, give and receive support in your Christian life and be involved in important decisions for our church. If you would like to learn more or apply for membership, then you can attend our next membership course (contact the church office to enquire).
A dedication is a celebration in which parents give thanks to God for the gift of their child and make a promise to the Lord to do everything within their power to raise their child in a godly and prayerful way until he or she can make a decision on his or her own to follow God through placing their faith and trust in Jesus. It is also a time when the church commits to walking alongside you as you point your child to Jesus. If you would like to learn more about dedicating your child, we would encourage you to contact the church office or email Our Faith Pathway document also contains more information about dedication.
Why pray?
Prayer is a direct line of communication with God. When we pray, we don’t yell into the wind but speak to God who hears us and answers us. We believe that prayer is also a place where God does powerful things like bring emotional and physical healing and guide us in our life.
Our prayer meetings are open for anyone to attend and are on Tuesday mornings at 6:00am and Sunday mornings at 7:45am and 10:00am. If you would like someone to pray for you, please send your requests below.
A Blessing for Wynnum Baptist Church
Father, You have placed us here in this beautiful Bayside community,
calling us to be Your ambassadors, entrusted with a message and ministry
to share the hope, forgiveness, restoration, and healing found in Jesus.
Equip and bless us, Lord, to carry this message boldly and creatively,
with hearts full of love and compassion, so that we may bring Your blessing to those around us.
In this part of the Bayside, may we be a bay of life for our community -
a place of safety, where the weary find rest,
a refuge for the hurting, and a harbour of peace for those seeking shelter from life’s storms.
Let our church be a community
where people encounter the still waters of Your peace,
are anchored in the unshakable truth of Your Word,
and are embraced by the steady harbour of Your love.
Make us a light, Lord, drawing others to You.
May we reflect Your promise to be our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in times of trouble.
Father, we thank You for the life we enjoy here on the Bayside.
We love this place You’ve planted us, and we pray You would use us
to bring Your life to this part of the bay.
May this Church become known as a community
where Your love, Your power, and Your presence transform lives -
a place where Jesus is known, loved, and honoured, our Saviour, King, and Friend.